Pacific Crest Online
News & Events
The Richland School District is committed to providing our students with a safe and inclusive environment for learning.
Learn more about the district's budget along with other important financial information.
Wondering how a typical school day is organized for Virtual School students or how it is different from other RSD programs? Take a look at our list of frequently asked questions and answers.
Learn more about inclement weather procedures and sign-up for alerts.
Personalized & Powerful Online Learning
At Pacific Crest Online Academy, we are fostering a caring community of online learners who support each other in accomplishing their individual learning plans. Pacific Crest is Richland School District’s fully online and teacher-directed learning program, designed to deliver flexible, dynamic, and relevant virtual learning opportunities for every learner to receive high quality instruction in a student-centered environment. We strive to meet the diverse needs of our families with individualized focus on our students.