Got Questions? We Have Answers!

Got Questions? We Have Answers!

Online learning offers a unique experience and flexibility not available in a traditional classroom, as well consistency in learning environment. While the online environment is a great option for some students and families, it is important to ensure it will be a good fit for a student's style of learning and other commitments.

Take a look at our list of frequently asked questions and answers to get a more in-depth picture of what Pacific Crest Online Academy (PCOA) has to offer.

How is the PCOA different from Three Rivers HomeLink?
HomeLink is a parent partnership program, meaning each student's education is parent-directed and managed with support from teachers and other staff at HomeLink. PCOA is a teacher-directed learning experience with teachers managing student learning throughout the course of the day. While parents remain valued partners in PCOA's model, they assume a more traditional role in monitoring their children's grades and communicating with the teachers on academic progress.

What is the PCOA like?
PCOA is a structured academic program that ensures students are engaged in learning throughout the traditional school day. Teachers will provide instruction through recorded or live video broadcasts, lead class discussions and assign coursework to students through the Canvas learning management system. Teachers will also be available at regular times for one-on-one conversations with students and parents to ask questions and receive feedback. All learning materials will be available online with the option for families to download and print or request hard copies from the district. Supports for students needing special education or English language learner services will also be provided.

Is there social-emotional learning provided through PCOA?
Online class discussions will be used as a way to build community and relationships between students.  We have SEL/Advisory time once per week on Tuesday afternoons.  Additionally, teachers will be trained to provide social-emotional learning specifically for an online learning environment so it can be integrated into instruction.

Will my student have different teachers for all subjects or a single teacher for all subjects?
Classes will largely be structured as they are in a traditional classroom, i.e. subject-specific teachers for secondary courses.  We have a 2x-per-week schedule for each class of a traditional 6-class schedule.

What if we don’t have a reliable computer at home?
Richland School District provides all enrolled students an Internet-capable device for learning as part of its 1:1 Technology Initiative. Families will need to ensure their child has access to reliable Internet service so they can engage in online instruction and class discussions.

What learning platform will Richland Virtual School students use? Will parents receive any training on that platform?
PCOA uses the Canvas learning management system (LMS) to manage and organize student resources, assignments and assessments. Orientation and training on navigating Canvas will be available for parents.

How are students held accountable?
Along with daily check-ins, teachers and program administrators will be able to monitor student participation by tracking whether they are turning in assignments online and even if they are accessing and watching instructional videos through Canvas. Students will also be required to have their devices locked into a single application when taking quizzes and tests. Pacing guides and regular meetings with an assigned counselor will also ensure students are staying on track academically and being successful.

What services will be available for students on an IEP or requiring special education supports?
Families with students on IEPs or needing special education supports are welcome to transfer into PCOA and resources will be provided. It is recommended families reach out to their child's IEP team to indicate your interest in online schooling so they can begin working out how services could be provided.

Is there any in-person aspect of PCOA? What about clubs and athletics?
All learning will be delivered virtually for students enrolled in the PCOA. Students are eligible to participate in in-person extracurricular activities at the school for which they live in the attendance boundary. Families need to reach out to the school to sign up for those activities.

What is the commitment for enrolled students?
Students who enroll in PCOA commit to participating in the program for the entirety of a Semester at this time.

Why have Pacific Crest Online Academy? Why not just have students enroll in WAVA or K12?
Offering PCOA gives families a local option for online learning, with teachers based in their community. Unlike programs serving families statewide, the district can adapt the program to meet specific community interests going forward.