About Our School
Athletes spending multiple hours per day in the gym or on the field.
Students splitting time between parents in different cities.
Patients receiving intensive medical treatment at hospitals throughout the Northwest.
23 AP courses
15 English (including Honors)
7 World Languages (including ASL)
20 Science (including Honors)
12 Math (including Honors)
18 Social Studies (including Honors)
58 Assorted electives like Game Design, Health Science Careers, Entrepreneurship and more!
Athletes in need of flexible scheduling (our classes meet 2x per week instead of 5)
Young people of all ages working through major health difficulties but continuing school with hope for a better future
Pre-Collegiates working to graduate with advanced courses.
Hands-on learners who want to spend time perfecting their trade while attending school.
Scholars interested in part-time Tri-Tech or Running Start programs.
Every-day kids working through anxiety and social pressures.
Juniors and Seniors interested in graduating early
live class sessions
small group workshops
1:1 support
office hours
In accordance with the Alternative Learning Experience Implementation Standards, reference WAC 392-550-030(10), a school district or charter school that provides alternative learning experience courses or course work to a student must include a description of the difference between home-based instruction pursuant to chapter 28A.200 RCW and the alternative learning experience course(s).
Summary Description
Home-Based Instruction
- Is provided by the parent or guardian as authorized under RCW 28A.200 and 28A.225.010.
- Parent has filed an annual Declaration of Intent with the district.
- Students are neither enrolled nor eligible for graduation through a public high school unless they meet all district and state graduation requirements.
- Students are not subject to the rules and regulations governing public school, including course, graduation, and assessment requirements.
- The public school is under no obligation to provide instruction or instructional materials, or to otherwise supervise the student’s education.
Home-based Instruction (HBI) students may have access to ancillary services and may enroll in a public school course on a part-time basis (less than full time) where space is available. Students are responsible for maintaining acceptable attendance and for meeting the course and school requirements for courses in which they are enrolled. They maintain their Home-Based Instruction student status.
Alternative Learning Experience Courses
- Are authorized under WAC 392-121-182.
- Students are enrolled in public education.
- Students are subject to the rules and regulations governing public schools, including course, graduation, and assessment requirement for all portions of the ALE.
- Instructional materials used for coursework meet district standards and are free from sectarian control or influence.
- Learning experiences are:
- Supervised, monitored, assess, and evaluated by certificated staff (weekly contact and monthly review).
- Designed learning experiences planned together with student, parent and teacher.
- Provided via a Written Student Learning Plan (WSLP). Provided in whole, or part, outside the regular classroom.
Building Relationships
Connecting students with themselves, their teachers and the community is critical to their educational growth and well-being. Here are ways our schools helps support those relationships.
District and School Report Card Information
Are you interested in knowing how your child's school did on state assessments? Visit the Washington State OSPI Report Card at: https://reportcard.ospi.k12.wa.us.
The Report Card contains valuable information about test results as well as other statistics about our schools. To find results for our district and your child's school, use the webpage drop-down menu to find Richland School District and press GO.